Sep 5, 2010

NSO - understand New Student Orientation

NSO is a week during which exchange as much as freshmen are introduced to campus life. Penn administration and student staff are organizing it. 

Last night one of the events was the night at PMA - Philadelphia Museum of art (conscious of it or not, you already know the PMA, it's where the famous rocky scene with the stairs takes place).

Pictures now - sorry quality is poor as I'm using my phone for the moment.

Susi, another French, in front of the majestic stairs

American Freshmen dancing on improvized dancefloor as Fench just watch
Fire works were shoot when exiting museum, American orientation is "cray cray" (= crazy, lol)

In addition to fire works, there was also a bulding enlightened with Penn's colors while going back to campus by bus. I think we can say Americans know how to say welcome. NSO explains a lot about why tuition fees are so high in the US.

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