There is something special about people in accouting101 Wharton course. They're not like everyone ,and not in the good way "different". After a semester observing them, I've been thinking more and more of describing the stereoptypical Wharton student.
The auditorium is fairly divided into girls and boys, but for some reason I only see reasons to target boys. They are most generally of the "fratty" type, meaning frat brother stupid looking. However I would lie if I said they aren't smart, they understand quickly but let's put it this way: they don't bear the looks of the refined minds. They all dresshe same, in such an unoriginal way I can't even think of specific words to describe it. Same with harcuts. I'd be very surprised if I heard them say something interesting. I'd be very surprised if I heard them discuss something else than campus or greek life. Another reasons to target boys is that they are the ones to eat gross food at 9am, filling the auditorium with a now on characteristic smell of cheese omelette bagel sandwich. Oh the power this sandwhich has to instantly disgust me!
I now wish to tell the story of Drowsy Blong Guy. I couldn't think of a more passive looking person. Maybe it's the early hour in the morning. Maybe he's just like that. The mystery will remain, as I only have accounting at 9am twice a week. He is tall blod boy with a childllooking face, a baby who grew up too fast and it's a little montrous. But undoubtly, his sleepy eyes are the best way to describe him. The class isn't that big and you eventually spot faces (let's not lie, even went you concentrate hard in class, people watch still has a fair amount of your attention). I noticed him because he seems to come in class to fall asleep and frankly, it annoys me because it makes him look even more stupid. Not that long ago, I sat behind him, or more precisely he arrived late and sat in front of me. That day I thought I would have a peaceful class, because I had managed to escape sitting next to a morning sandwich eater this time. But by the middle of the class, Drowsy began to drowse, his head going back, and forth again as he waked up. No exageration, the movement would resume the cycle every 4seconds, keeping my concentration away from the professor. I was annoyed. I laughted a little with my neighbor and said quite loudly "it's soooo annoying". Miracle ! Drowsy heard, said sorry and put an end to it all. "You were falling asleep on my desk", I explained to him, in a rather kind way to balance my initial tone.
Why am I telling the strory of Drowsy, the guy in accounting ? - one can wonder. Well, I think it is a perfect example of bad time management, a relatively common flu here at Penn. Why isn't he just taking a good rest one morning, instead of insisting on coming in class to fall asleep?
Maybe he just doesn't want to miss the morning smelly sandwich.